
Spotted Dog Tutoring is your spot for Orton Gillingham tutoring in Denver, Colorado. I am excited to share my love of learning with your child soon!


What makes Spotted Dog Tutoring

the best choice for your child?

  • Determining Needs & Getting to know one another

    Before the first tutoring session, I will meet with you and your child for an initial assessment of skills. After the assessment, we will set-up a plan with goals together for you child. The initial assessment session is at no cost to you.

  • Personalized Learning

    After an initial plan is set, I will meet with your child on a regular basis to work on their greatest literacy or math needs. I will follow the Orton Gillingham approach to my lessons to provide systematic, engaging and multi-sensory lessons, specifically tailored for your child.

  • Commitment & Follow-ups

    It is my goal to keep you informed on your child’s progress. Therefore, we will touch base monthly to update you on the progress your child has made.

What People Are Saying


“This year, Melissa worked with my kindergarten students on acquiring early literacy and math skills. In this time, the children have gone from emergent readers and mathematicians to mathematicians and readers with the skills, strategies, and self-confidence to succeed in all areas of literacy, mathematics and beyond. My students see themselves as readers, writers and mathematicians that can fully participate in the classroom setting.”

— Coyote Hills Elementary teacher


Melissa is wonderful! She is working with my son this summer and he is doing great! Also, she has been great about accommodating our busy summer schedule. Highly recommend!

-Parent of Tutoring Student

Melissa Robart is an extraordinary educator! She is so adept at pinpointing the academic area of need for her students, using engaging and systematic teaching methods to fill in the learning gaps, and my students love learning with her. Melissa uses data to drive her instruction and frequently progress monitors her students’ progress to determine growth. My students who have worked with her for 6-12 weeks have made the fastest growth that I have ever seen with intervention. Melissa is also an excellent communicator. I highly recommend Melissa Robart for your child, if they are struggling academically!

— A. Carter, educator for 21 years


“Melissa is an organized, knowledgeable, compassionate, and skillful educator. She uses current research, best practices and an individualized approach that meets children where they are at. Melissa has excellent communication skills and works tirelessly to meet the needs of students. Any child would be fortunate to have Melissa by their side to guide them along their educational journey.”

— Coyote Hills Elementary Teacher